Bitcoin Payment for Discount & Free Delivery

Use Bitcoin to pay for medications online and receive discount & free delivery!

  • Free Delivery for All Bitcoin Orders
  • 10% discount for orders under 99 
  • 20% discount for orders over 99

Why Use Bitcoin?

Bitcoin is a digital foreign currency you can use to make instant purchases online without any hassles.

Purchasing Bitcoin only requires setting up a Revolut or Starling online account using a PC or smartphone, email address and photo ID.

Take your chance to enjoy the advantage of big discount & free delivery on orders by following 3 easy steps to buy Bitcoin and you are set.

Buying Bitcoin

  • You will first need to create a Bitcoin account using coinbase.
  • Next, follow the verification process to register your driving license or passport before applying either a Visa or Mastercard to the account
  • When your account and ID are verified, transfer your preferred amount from your credit card to your new crypto wallet.

Payments Using Bitcoin

Paying with Bitcoin is the same as using standard payment methods. Simply complete your order, choose BTC as payment and receive a confirmation email outlining the wallet address you used to place an order.

Bitcoin Benefits

All Bitcoin payments are processed by us directly so no banks are involved and because transactions are instant, you get your order faster. The only information the bank has is that you have made purchased Bitcoin.

Tutorials that Help

The online tutorials we have linked below help with registering a crypto wallet with coinbase and how to send Bitcoin to friends or family.

Make & Confirm a Coinbase Account

Open Coinbase Account (for iPhone)

Find out how to send Bitcoin

Customer Care 24/7

Email or chat in real-time with our customer care team at if you need further assistance.